Reinforcement learning offers a multitude of algorithms allowing to learn a nonlinear
controller by interacting with the system without the need for a model of the plant. In this paper
we investigate the suitability of online learning algorithms for a control task with incomplete
state information. The system under consideration is a swinging chain that needs to be stabilized
at a desired position, a problem that is occurring e.g. with bridge cranes with each change in the
crane position. The measurable states are the position, velocity, angle and angular velocity at
the top of the chain. A solution of the control problem based on an approximation of the chain
as a continuous cable exists in the literature, see d’ Andrea-Novel and Coron (2000), which is
included in the comparison as a reference for the control performance of the learned controllers.
Reinforcement learning offers a multitude of algorithms allowing to learn a nonlinear
controller by interacting with the system without the need for a model of the plant. In this paper
we investigate the suitability of online learning algorithms for a control task with incomplete
state information. The system under consideration is a swinging chain that needs to be stabilized
at a desired position, a problem that is occurring e.g. with bridge cranes with each change in the
crane position. T...