The synthesis of quantum circuits from so-called Pauli-Polynomials in the ZX Calculus
facilitates quantum circuit optimization. In this work, we will develop three algorithms that
can perform this task in an architecture-aware fashion. On top of that, we will develop an
architecture-aware synthesis method for synthesizing Clifford-Tableaus. Our results show
an increase in the Reduction of CNOT-Gates for larger circuits for both Clifford circuits and
circuits described by Pauli-Polynomials, which outlines the capabilities of architecture-aware
synthesis in the circuit optimization realm.
The synthesis of quantum circuits from so-called Pauli-Polynomials in the ZX Calculus
facilitates quantum circuit optimization. In this work, we will develop three algorithms that
can perform this task in an architecture-aware fashion. On top of that, we will develop an
architecture-aware synthesis method for synthesizing Clifford-Tableaus. Our results show
an increase in the Reduction of CNOT-Gates for larger circuits for both Clifford circuits and
circuits described by Pauli-Polynomials,...