Heavy duty trucks are high variant products with a comparably small production volume per product family. A high degree of specialization regarding
utilization scenarios and transportation tasks, as well as strong spreading of functional variability generate increasing numbers of offered variants. The continuous
introduction of new legal, technical and customer requirements combined with long product life cycles as well as the need for prolonged technological backward
compatibility causes a complexity problem. Architecture standardization is a key lever in reducing complexity by deliberately cutting the number of variants and
defining stable interfaces. However, at this point standardization potentials do not seem to be fully exploited.
Heavy duty trucks are high variant products with a comparably small production volume per product family. A high degree of specialization regarding
utilization scenarios and transportation tasks, as well as strong spreading of functional variability generate increasing numbers of offered variants. The continuous
introduction of new legal, technical and customer requirements combined with long product life cycles as well as the need for prolonged technological backward
compatibility causes a c...