In this work, we apply multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling, a technique for uncertainty
quantification, to two test cases from plasma microturbulence analysis, which is an
important field of research into fusion power. Multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling aims
to increase the accuracy of standard Monte Carlo estimators for statistical moments of
model output based on uncertain input parameters. Standard Monte Carlo sampling
estimates statistics by evaluating the underlying model for a number of samples and
computing estimators from the results. In order to obtain acceptable precision, a pro-
hibitive amount of samples is often required and simulations become computationally
infeasible, especially if the underlying model is expensive to evaluate. To overcome this
shortcoming, multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling distributes the model evaluations be-
tween the model under consideration and one or more computationally less expensive
surrogate models. The obtained model evaluations are then combined into estimators
using a control variate approach.
In our test scenarios, we consider the Cyclone Base Case, a popular benchmark
in the analysis of plasma turbulence. Multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling is applied
to a three-dimensional and an eight-dimensional version of this scenario. For our
simulations, we use the plasma microturbulence code Gene and construct a sparse
grid approximation and a machine learning surrogate. In both test cases, we find
that the application of multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling leads to a reduction of
the estimators’ mean squared error by orders of magnitude. Moreover, we show that
combining different low-fidelity models can further decrease the error.
In this work, we apply multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling, a technique for uncertainty
quantification, to two test cases from plasma microturbulence analysis, which is an
important field of research into fusion power. Multifidelity Monte Carlo sampling aims
to increase the accuracy of standard Monte Carlo estimators for statistical moments of
model output based on uncertain input parameters. Standard Monte Carlo sampling
estimates statistics by evaluating the underlying model for a number o...