Employing automated testing for requirements validation and verification is ofhigh importance in the development of highly complex systems such as eVTOL aircraft. The increasing system complexity comes along with a growing number of requirements, all of which need to be validated and verified to clear the system under development for flight. This paper provides a validation and verification strategy as well as a suitable model-based test structure that increases efficiency during the test execution and, due to its generic design, allows re-usability of tests for different aircraft configurations with minimum effort. The developed test structure is implemented based on the toolbox tico and is applied on two different eVTOL aircraft
configurations and at different stages during the development process to validate the test concept.
Employing automated testing for requirements validation and verification is ofhigh importance in the development of highly complex systems such as eVTOL aircraft. The increasing system complexity comes along with a growing number of requirements, all of which need to be validated and verified to clear the system under development for flight. This paper provides a validation and verification strategy as well as a suitable model-based test structure that increases efficiency during the test execut...