Redundant robots offer the possibility of improv-
ing agility, compared to their non-redundant counterparts, by
exploiting the additional kinematic DOFs to increase a measure
called manipulability. While it is common to maximize the
manipulability measure during redundancy resolution locally,
global optimization of a full trajectory is usually computa-
tionally too expensive and thus only considered for offline
procedures in current literature. However, local maximization
is prone to be sub-optimal and at times even fails at preserving
agility of a robot that ought to be reactive. In this work we build
upon our previous contributions on online trajectory generation
on SE(3) and closed-form task space manipulability of a 7-DOF
serial robot, and combine it with graph search techniques for
global optimization. This enables, for the first time, online tra-
jectory generation with globally optimal redundancy resolution
regarding manipulability, to maintain agility in reactive robot
Redundant robots offer the possibility of improv-
ing agility, compared to their non-redundant counterparts, by
exploiting the additional kinematic DOFs to increase a measure
called manipulability. While it is common to maximize the
manipulability measure during redundancy resolution locally,
global optimization of a full trajectory is usually computa-
tionally too expensive and thus only considered for offline
procedures in current literature. However, local maximization
is prone to be...