- Title:
AutoPas & ls1 mardyn: Enabling Auto-Tuning in MPI+X Load-Balanced Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Document type:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Contribution type:
- Vortrag / Präsentation
- Author(s):
- Steffen Seckler; Fabio Alexander Gratl; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Philipp Neumann
- Keywords:
- AutoPas, OpenMP, Molecular Dynamics, N-Body Simulations
- Book / Congress title:
- Particles 2019
- Congress (additional information):
- VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods
- Organization:
- Date of congress:
- 28.-30.10.2019
- Date of publication:
- 29.10.2019
- Year:
- 2019
- Quarter:
- 4. Quartal
- Year / month:
- 2019-10
- Month:
- Oct
- Reviewed:
- nein
- Language:
- en
- Notes:
- Attachments include used video files.
- TUM Institution:
- Department of Informatics