This guided research paper walks the reader through a domain specific language was created to generate a force calculator for the N-body simulation library AutoPas. It explains how to use the AutoPasDSL, describes the code generation process, and compares the performance of the generated force calculator to a pre written one.
The concept of code generation is very useful in this case, to make AutoPas more accessible to non-computer scientists. On the other hand it requires some improvements regarding the automatic improvement of user given code to be competitive, performance wise.
This guided research paper walks the reader through a domain specific language was created to generate a force calculator for the N-body simulation library AutoPas. It explains how to use the AutoPasDSL, describes the code generation process, and compares the performance of the generated force calculator to a pre written one.
The concept of code generation is very useful in this case, to make AutoPas more accessible to non-computer scientists. On the other hand it requires some improvements reg...