The Fast Multipole Method is an algorithm for computing long-range interactions in N −body problems in linear computational complexity. Since it consists of many individual parts per time step, even optimized fork-join approaches using OpenMP carry a significant synchronization overhead [AMP + 13]. However, these parts do not need to be executed completely after each other,
instead, an interweaving is possible. Therefore, task based
approaches with a dynamic dependency model are good candidates for parallelization.
This thesis describes a task based, shared memory parallelization of the implementation of the Fast Multipole Method in the large-scale molecular dynamics code ls1-mardyn [NBB + 14][Eck14]. Since the approach aims for a maximal scheduling flexibility, the QuickSched library was chosen to create and execute tasks as explicit tasks provided by OpenMP 4.5 are not dynamic enough to model the required dependencies [Gal16].
The approach is tested with a range of parameter configurations and on two different architectures, namely Intel Ivy Bridge and the new state-of-the-art Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing.
Through a detailed analysis of the scheduling and scaling behavior it is shown that the here presented approach can achieve good parallel performance, but is highly dependent on a good choice of parameters for the Fast Multipole Method.
The Fast Multipole Method is an algorithm for computing long-range interactions in N −body problems in linear computational complexity. Since it consists of many individual parts per time step, even optimized fork-join approaches using OpenMP carry a significant synchronization overhead [AMP + 13]. However, these parts do not need to be executed completely after each other,
instead, an interweaving is possible. Therefore, task based
approaches with a dynamic dependency model are good candida...