- Title:
Adaptive Sparse Grid Techniques for Data Mining
- Author(s):
- Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Pflüger, Dirk; Zimmer, Stefan
- Editor:
- Bock, H.G.; Kostina, E.; Hoang, X.P.; Rannacher, R.
- Book / Congress title:
- Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes 2006, Proc. Int. Conf. HPSC, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Publisher:
- Springer-Verlag
- Year:
- 2008
- Month:
- Aug
- Pages:
- 121-130
- Print-ISBN:
- 9,78354E+12
- WWW:
- http://www5.in.tum.de/pub/pflueger06adaptive.pdf
- Notes:
- mediatitle: Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes 2006, Proc. Int. Conf. HPSC, Hanoi, Vietnam
editor: Bock, H.G.; Kostina, E.; Hoang, X.P.; Rannacher, R.
URL: http://www5.in.tum.de/pub/pflueger06adaptive.pdf
- BibTeX