Innovative CAE methods support tool development, In recent years, large-part transfer presses with crossbar transfer systems have become an established feature in the production of large-area automobile body sheet steel parts. In practical application, the transfer of the unstable parts constitutes a restrictive factor where the output of a production facility is concerned. It is therefore of decisive importance to use appropriate CAE methods as early as during the development of a new set of tools in order to preclude dynamic problems which might otherwise arise in the transfer of parts.
Innovative CAE methods support tool development, In recent years, large-part transfer presses with crossbar transfer systems have become an established feature in the production of large-area automobile body sheet steel parts. In practical application, the transfer of the unstable parts constitutes a restrictive factor where the output of a production facility is concerned. It is therefore of decisive importance to use appropriate CAE methods as early as during the development of a new set of to...