Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) in self-starting
harmonic comb operation are highly attractive for applications in
optical and quantum communication. Recently, harmonic modelocking in QCLs has been reported in several experimental
studies, which demands for a robust theoretical description.
Here, we provide an extensive numerical study of a terahertz
QCL active gain medium capable of self-starting harmonic
mode-locking. Our theoretical characterization is divided into
stationary carrier transport simulations based on the ensemble
Monte Carlo method and dynamical simulations of the lightmatter interaction based on multi-level Maxwell-Bloch equations.
We investigate the influence of the chosen eigenstates basis on
the gain spectrum and present self-consistent simulation results
of stable harmonic comb operation with a mode spacing of four
times the free spectral range.
Index Terms—quantum cascade laser, terahertz frequency
combs, harmonic combs, Monte Carlo, Maxwell-Bloch.
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) in self-starting
harmonic comb operation are highly attractive for applications in
optical and quantum communication. Recently, harmonic modelocking in QCLs has been reported in several experimental
studies, which demands for a robust theoretical description.
Here, we provide an extensive numerical study of a terahertz
QCL active gain medium capable of self-starting harmonic
mode-locking. Our theoretical characterization is divided into
stationary carrier tra...