Biodiversity ensures ecosystem functioning and provisioning of ecosystem services, but it remains unclear how biodiversity–ecosystem multifunctionality relationships depend on the identity and number of functions considered. Here we use 82 indicator variables of ecosystem functions in the Jena Experiment and a newly developed analytical procedure to demonstrate that ecosystem multifunctionality increased strongly with increasing biodiversity. Analysing subsets of functions showed that effects of biodiversity on multifunctionality were stronger when more functions were included and that the strength of the biodiversity effects depended on the identity of the functions included. Limits to multifunctionality arose from negative correlations among functions and functions which were not correlated with biodiversity. Our findings underline that managing of ecosystems for the protection of biodiversity cannot be replaced by managing for particular ecosystem functions or services and emphasise the need for specific management to protect biodiversity.
Biodiversity ensures ecosystem functioning and provisioning of ecosystem services, but it remains unclear how biodiversity–ecosystem multifunctionality relationships depend on the identity and number of functions considered. Here we use 82 indicator variables of ecosystem functions in the Jena Experiment and a newly developed analytical procedure to demonstrate that ecosystem multifunctionality increased strongly with increasing biodiversity. Analysing subsets of functions showed that effects of...