The contact analogue head-up display (cHUD) is a promising advancement of the conventional head-up display technology. Information can be presented in an augmented reality way, directly superimposed on the driving environment. In order to achieve increased driving safety and comfort, the fit between virtual information and the real world is critical. A discrepancy, e.g. due to imprecise sensor data, must not lead to confusion or distraction. In a static driving simulator study, the position accuracy of a contact analogue navigation arrow was manipulated (three levels) and the effect on navigation errors, lane-keeping performance, subjective workload and usability was investigated with and without a secondary audio-verbal n-back task (
The contact analogue head-up display (cHUD) is a promising advancement of the conventional head-up display technology. Information can be presented in an augmented reality way, directly superimposed on the driving environment. In order to achieve increased driving safety and comfort, the fit between virtual information and the real world is critical. A discrepancy, e.g. due to imprecise sensor data, must not lead to confusion or distraction. In a static driving simulator study, the position accu...