- Title:
Driving with Hemianopia VIII: Effects of a Vibro-Tactile Assistance System on Safety and Gaze Behavior in Pedestrian Crossing Situations
- Document type:
- Zeitschriftenaufsatz
- Author(s):
- Hölzl, Roman; Steckhan, Lorenz; Lehsing, Christian; Savage, Steven W.; Bowers, Alex R.
- Non-TUM Co-author(s):
- ja
- Cooperation:
- international
- Intellectual Contribution:
- Discipline-based Research
- Journal title:
- Safety
- Journal listet in FT50 ranking:
- nein
- Year:
- 2021
- Journal volume:
- 7
- Journal issue:
- 1
- Pages contribution:
- 18
- Covered by:
- Scopus
- Fulltext / DOI:
- doi:10.3390/safety7010018
- Publisher:
- 2313-576X
- Submitted:
- 22.12.2020
- Accepted:
- 02.03.2021
- Date of publication:
- 05.03.2021
- Judgement review:
- 0
- Key publication:
- Ja
- Peer reviewed:
- Ja
- International:
- Ja
- Commissioned:
- not commissioned
- Technology:
- Ja
- Interdisciplinarity:
- Ja
- Mission statement:
- ;
- Ethics and Sustainability:
- Nein