Ergonomic Design of the Vehicle Motion in an Automated Driving Car
Document type:
Lange, A.; Albert, M.; Siedersberger, K.-H.; Bengler, Klaus
Non-TUM Co-author(s):
This article presents a concept for the design of an automated driving system that uses the driver's motion perception to feed back the automation system's state and intention. The motivation for this approach is to keep the driver in the loop during an automated drive and increase the automation system's transparency. The concept aims for partially automated driving [1]where the driver is still responsible for the driving task and in charge of monitoring the automation system of his vehicle.
Intellectual Contribution:
Discipline-based Research
Ahram, T.; Karwowski, W.; Schmorrow, D.
Book / Congress title:
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences (AHFE)