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Hübner, R., Meixner, C., Morhart, C., Kürsten, E., Eysel-Zahl, G., Lamersdorf, N., Tsonkova, P., Peschel, T., Wiesmeier, M., Böhm, C.
Carbon certification in agroforestry?! Assessment and recommendations
Agroforestry has long been seen as having great potential for increasing and, above all, permanently storing carbon in biomass and soil. The IPCC and the WBGU see agroforestry as a suitable option in the fight against the climate crisis and in adaptation to its impacts. The European Commission sees carbon farming as a suitable measure in its ambitious climate target plan, a 55 percent greenhouse gas reduction by 2030 compared to 1990. In this context, there is intensive discussion about the part...     »