On the quest towards fusion energy devices numerical plasma simulations play a key role. Especially, five-dimensional gyrokinetic turbulence simulations are believed to deliver a good qualitative understanding of the plasma behavior and precise quantitative data. In the plasma core these models are well established for turbulence and transport studies. However, in the plasma edge numerical models are just starting to be able to cover the versatile physics. Therefore, in this thesis we present the newly developed gyrokinetic full-f particle-in-cell code PICLS, which is aimed to specifically study turbulence in open magnetic field line regions, as present in the tokamak scrape-off layer and apply the code to several test cases.
On the quest towards fusion energy devices numerical plasma simulations play a key role. Especially, five-dimensional gyrokinetic turbulence simulations are believed to deliver a good qualitative understanding of the plasma behavior and precise quantitative data. In the plasma core these models are well established for turbulence and transport studies. However, in the plasma edge numerical models are just starting to be able to cover the versatile physics. Therefore, in this thesis we present th...