The complex enzymatic catalysis involved in the forked tetrapyrrole biosynthesis is slowly becoming unravelled. During the last decades, work done on the biochemical and structural fields has contribute to the current knowledge about its several branching pathways. To gain further insight into the complex enzymatic catalysis involved in this metabolism, two enzymes were studied in the present work, namely uroporphyrinogen-III decarboxylase from Nicotiana tabacum and coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase from Escherichia coli. The functional relationships obtained from the structural and modelling analyses for Uroporphyrinogen-III Decarboxylase allowed the proposal for a refined catalytic mechanism. The purification of Oxygen-dependent Coproporphyrinogen-III Oxidase allowed the biochemical characterisation and the initialisation of structural studies.
The complex enzymatic catalysis involved in the forked tetrapyrrole biosynthesis is slowly becoming unravelled. During the last decades, work done on the biochemical and structural fields has contribute to the current knowledge about its several branching pathways. To gain further insight into the complex enzymatic catalysis involved in this metabolism, two enzymes were studied in the present work, namely uroporphyrinogen-III decarboxylase from Nicotiana tabacum and coproporphyrinogen-III oxidas...