- Title:
Personalsuche: Profis ans Werk
- Document type:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Author(s):
- Hentschel, T.; Braun, S.; Peus, C.; Frey, D.
- Non-TUM Co-author(s):
- ja
- Cooperation:
- international
- Intellectual Contribution:
- Contribution to Practice
- Book / Congress title:
- Deutsche Universitätszeitung (duz). Karriere Letter
- Congress (additional information):
- -
- Year:
- 2016
- Month:
- Jul
- Key publication:
- Nein
- Peer reviewed:
- Nein
- International:
- Nein
- Book review:
- Nein
- Commissioned:
- not commissioned
- Technology:
- Ja
- Interdisciplinarity:
- Ja
- Mission statement:
- ;
- Ethics and Sustainability:
- Ja
- BibTeX