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Heuchele, Linda; Nothacker, Klemens; Renner, Christina; Konold, Werner; Lupp, Gerd
Die Bedeutung des Wintersports für den Tourismus im Südschwarzwald und Überlegungen zu potentiellen schneeunabhängigen Alternativen- Eine Analyse von Wahrnehmungen im Hinblick auf den Klimawandel

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Wiesmeier, Martin; Hübner, Rico; Dechow, Rene; Maier, Harald; Spörlein, Peter; Geuß, Uwe; Hangen, Edzard; Reischl, Arthur; Schilling, Bernd ;von Lützow, Margit; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Estimation of past and recent carbon input by crops into agricultural soils of southeast Germany
European Journal of Agronomy

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Stratopoulos L., Duthweiler S., Pauleit S.
How does drought tolerance influence the climate regulating ecosystem services of roadside trees?
Green Infrastructure: Nature based solutions for Sustainable and Resilient Cities

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Rall E.
Social Valuation of Urban Ecosystem Services
Ökologische Stadtentwicklung Seminar für Master-Studenten in Umweltplanung und Ingenieur M.Sc., TUM. Freising

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Rall E.
Social Valuation of Urban Ecosystem Services.
Ökologische Stadtentwicklung Seminar für Master-Studenten in Umweltplanung und Ingenieur M.Sc., TUM. Freising,

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Rall E.
Bridging the Gap between Ecosystem Service Assessment and Urban Planning
United States Forest Service’s Urban Field Station Brown Bag Lecture Series, New York

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Rolf W.
Grüne Gradienten - Ein Planungsansatz zu Biodiversität und Resilienz in Agrarlandschaften
IALE-D Jahrestagung 2014 „Ökologie, Resilienz und Management unserer Landschaft“

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Zölch T., Maderspacher J., Pauleit S.
Identifying synergies for climate change mitigation and adaptation at district level

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Rall E., Hansen R.
Operationalizing Ecosystem Services in Urban Planning: an exploration of implementation and challenges in Berlin and New York
Presentation at the International Workshop Governance of Ecosystem Services: Challenges for Sustainable Development. Frankfurt am Main, Germany, March 10-11, 2014

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Rall E.
Public participation GIS for assessing cultural ecosystem services in urban areas: a case study in Berlin
20th ISSRM (International Symposium on Society and Resource Management) Conference, Hannover, Germany, June 8-13, 2014