We present the design and simulation of information processing hardware that is comprised of single domain, Co/Pt magnets (i.e., out-of-plane nanomagnet logic - or oNML). We first describe the design and evaluation of oNML hardware that can identify instances of a preprogrammed bit sequence in streaming data. Systolic arrays (that process information using Boolean logic gates) are employed as a system-level architecture which can (i) mitigate less desirable features of the oNML device architecture (nearest neighbor dataflow and longer device switching times when compared to a CMOS transistor), and (ii) exploit unique features of the device architecture (non-volatility and inherently pipelined logic with no overhead). We conclude the paper with a discussion as to how oNML might be employed for non-Boolean information processing. A simple image processing function is used as an initial case study.
We present the design and simulation of information processing hardware that is comprised of single domain, Co/Pt magnets (i.e., out-of-plane nanomagnet logic - or oNML). We first describe the design and evaluation of oNML hardware that can identify instances of a preprogrammed bit sequence in streaming data. Systolic arrays (that process information using Boolean logic gates) are employed as a system-level architecture which can (i) mitigate less desirable features of the oNML device architectu...