This thesis deals with the first upwards passage event of the sum of dependent Lévy processes, when a constant barrier is passed by a jump. The dependence between the jump components of a multivariate Lévy process is modelled by a so-called Pareto Lévy measure. The relationship between a Lévy measure and its Pareto Lévy measure is investigated in detail, where explicit examples with graphical representations are given. Furthermore, we prove conditions on the one-dimensional Lévy measures and the Pareto Lévy measure such that the multivariate Lévy measure is regularly varying. Finally, the results are applied to a spectrally positive insurance risk process.
This thesis deals with the first upwards passage event of the sum of dependent Lévy processes, when a constant barrier is passed by a jump. The dependence between the jump components of a multivariate Lévy process is modelled by a so-called Pareto Lévy measure. The relationship between a Lévy measure and its Pareto Lévy measure is investigated in detail, where explicit examples with graphical representations are given. Furthermore, we prove conditions on the one-dimensional Lévy measures and the...