This chapter describes the evolution of a feature-based tracking system developed by metaio. One of the reasons that started the development of the system was the first tracking contest at the International Symposium of Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2008, which was designed to fairly evaluate different tracking systems. We present the toolchain we conceived to solve common problems like referencing to another coordinate system or creating a map of the environment from photos; we also describe the principles of our tracking method which, in contrast to the methods of all other contestants, was robust enough to use exactly the same parameters for all scenarios of the tracking contest held within the German research project AVILUS but at the same time was the most accurate.
This chapter describes the evolution of a feature-based tracking system developed by metaio. One of the reasons that started the development of the system was the first tracking contest at the International Symposium of Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2008, which was designed to fairly evaluate different tracking systems. We present the toolchain we conceived to solve common problems like referencing to another coordinate system or creating a map of the environment from photos; we also de...