This thesis shows that challenge of murine macrophages with specific bacterial products leads to increased accumulation of toll-like receptor (TLR) mRNA expressed in murine macrophages. Furthermore, an upreguation of the TLR2 protein expression level was found. Increased expression was observed regardless of whether the ligand was specific for the TLR whose mRNA accumulation was analyzed or not. Analysis on the functional consequences of TLR upregulation showed that the changes in mRNA and protein expression did not influence the cellular reaction towards a further confrontation with bacterial products to a detectable degree. These findings indicate independence of the development of tolerance upon the expression levels of TLRs in the course of acute infection.
This thesis shows that challenge of murine macrophages with specific bacterial products leads to increased accumulation of toll-like receptor (TLR) mRNA expressed in murine macrophages. Furthermore, an upreguation of the TLR2 protein expression level was found. Increased expression was observed regardless of whether the ligand was specific for the TLR whose mRNA accumulation was analyzed or not. Analysis on the functional consequences of TLR upregulation showed that the changes in mRNA and prote...