In the present retrospective study of 152 female patients of the obstetric department of the Klinikum r.d.Isar (TU Munich) the influence of the continuous spinal analgesia (CSA) on the birth process was examined. Patients with CSA were compared to a control group of 1774 female patients, who received a peridural analgesia for the treatment of labour pain. This comparison showed that in patients receiving CSA the number of vacuum or forcers assisted delivery could be reduced by half (8% in the CSA group, 17% in the control group). Because of the smaller injury to the maternal pelvic floor and/or the childs head this is an advantage which cannot be emphasised enough. Due to the high rate of the postdural puncture headache after CSA 13,8% this procedure, however, cannot be used as a routine method in the delivery room at the moment.
In the present retrospective study of 152 female patients of the obstetric department of the Klinikum r.d.Isar (TU Munich) the influence of the continuous spinal analgesia (CSA) on the birth process was examined. Patients with CSA were compared to a control group of 1774 female patients, who received a peridural analgesia for the treatment of labour pain. This comparison showed that in patients receiving CSA the number of vacuum or forcers assisted delivery could be reduced by half (8% in the CS...