The dissertation introduces different structures of participation and support for (psychiatric) patients in Germany and another three european countries. The focus concentrates on the complaints system which is an important indicator for patient-oriented and cooperative health care policy. In the empirical part of this dissertation the two most important independent complaints institutions for psychiatric patients, patient advocates (Patientenfürsprecher) and independent institutions (unabhängige Beschwerdestellen), were analysed throughout Germany in relation to job profile and conditions of work. These results have been compared with accordant complaints institutions in Europe.
The dissertation introduces different structures of participation and support for (psychiatric) patients in Germany and another three european countries. The focus concentrates on the complaints system which is an important indicator for patient-oriented and cooperative health care policy. In the empirical part of this dissertation the two most important independent complaints institutions for psychiatric patients, patient advocates (Patientenfürsprecher) and independent institutions (unabhängig...