From details to urban design
AUSMIP (Architecture and Urbanism Student Mobility International Program) Students' Works 2004/2005
From details to urban design
AUSMIP (Architecture and Urbanism Student Mobility International Program) Students' Works 2004/2005
AUSMIP, Univ. of Tokio
Refitting, Reorganization and Use for New Purposes with Prefabricated Construction Elements Based on the Fast-Connector-System
22nd Int. Sympos. on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Ferrara, 11.-14.09.2005
Contact Task by Space Teleoperation Using Force Reflection of Communication Time Delay
6th CIRA Sympos. (6th IEEE Int. Sympos. on Computational Intelligence, Helsinki, 27.-30.06.2005
Towards advanced construction by humanoid construction robots?
Special Focus Sympos. on Systems Research in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), Baden-Baden, 01.-07.08.2005.
CAR: Construction Automation Robotics.
22nd Int. Sympos. on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Ferrara, 11.-14.09.2005
Man Machine Systems in Construction Automation and Robotics.
Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. GMA-Kongress, Baden-Baden, 07.-08.06.2005