In the present work the centralretinal arterial and venous vascular diameters as well as from these both components proving arteriovenous ratio (AVR) were examined in patients with chronic renal failure. As a method the non-invasive measurement of the retinal vascular diameters served with the help of the picture analysis programme Vesselmap II (Imedos GmbH, Jena). The evaluation occurred with the help of digital retinaphotos of both eyes with the Static Vessel Analyzer (Imedos GmbH, Jena). This investigation was carried out with patients in different stages of the renal insufficiency. Furthermore possible differences have been also examined in the retinal vascular diameters with the basic illnesses responsible for the renal failure. Besides, the relation arterial to the venous vascular diameters became bigger with rising stage of the renal insufficiency. In contrast between the different underlying diseases there were no differences.
Though the investigation carried out within the scope of this study of the retinal vascular diameters admits no statement about the causes of the AVRs becoming greater with decreasing nephritic function. However, it could be shown that beside other factors as for example blood pressure and age also the nephritic function has a significant influence particularly on the values of the AVR. Besides, this makes clear that the application arteriovenous ratio is possible as a predictive value for cardio-and cerebrovascular illnesses on account of her interference by different factors, like in this case of the nephritic function, only restrictedly. This must be pointed out mainly in patients at higher age as well as with heavy illnesses with many comorbidities.
In the present work the centralretinal arterial and venous vascular diameters as well as from these both components proving arteriovenous ratio (AVR) were examined in patients with chronic renal failure. As a method the non-invasive measurement of the retinal vascular diameters served with the help of the picture analysis programme Vesselmap II (Imedos GmbH, Jena). The evaluation occurred with the help of digital retinaphotos of both eyes with the Static Vessel Analyzer (Imedos GmbH, Jena). This...