The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between high-resolution auditory threshold, DPOAE fine structure and the magnitude of the reflex strength of the medial olivocochlear system by measuring contralateral DPOAE suppression in humans who have been exposed to noise in a discothehque. One ponted question was , if it is possible to predict individual cochlear vulnerability by means of contralateral DPOAE suppression. Maison and Liberman (2000) found the reflex strength of the medial olivocochlear system, evaluated by ipsilateral DPOAE adaptation measurements, to be inversely correlated to the degree of noise-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs.
When comparing data obtained before and directly after noise exposure, a temporary threshold shift (TTS) in the audiogram and DPOAE fine-structure could be observed. In our subject sample magnitude of DPOAE suppression and thus efferent reflex strength was not correlated to the degree of the TTS, as it was observed by Maison and Liberman (2000) in guinea-pigs.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between high-resolution auditory threshold, DPOAE fine structure and the magnitude of the reflex strength of the medial olivocochlear system by measuring contralateral DPOAE suppression in humans who have been exposed to noise in a discothehque. One ponted question was , if it is possible to predict individual cochlear vulnerability by means of contralateral DPOAE suppression. Maison and Liberman (2000) found the reflex strengt...