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Palomeque, X.; Günter, S.; Siddons, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stimm, B.; Aguirre, N.; Arias, R. Weber, M.
Natural or assisted succession as approach of forest recovery on abandoned lands with different land use history in the Andes of Southern Ecuador
New Forests
published online: 13 June 2017

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Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Muñoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J.; Silva, B.
Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest

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Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Muñoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J.; Silva, B.
Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest
ERDKUNDE – Archive for Scientific Geography

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Knoke, T,; Bendix J.; Pohle, P,; Hamer, U,; Hildebrandt, P,; Roos, K,; Gerique, A,; Lopez Sandoval, M,; Breuer, L,;Tischer, A,; Silva, B,; Calvas, B,; Aguirre, N,; Castro, LM,; Windhorst, D,; Weber, M,; Stimm, B,; Günter, S,; Palomeque, X,; Mora, J,; Mosandl, R, and Beck, E.
Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands.
Nature Communications
open access

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Knoke, T.; Calvas, B.; Hildebrandt, P.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Günter, S.; Aguirre, N.; Mosandl, R.
Sustainable Use of Tropical Forests: A Plea for a Landscape View.
Ecological Studies 221
Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.; Scheu, S.; Wilcke, W.
Springer Verlag

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Calvas, B.; Knoke, T.; Castro, L. M.; Hildebrandt, P.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Mosandl, R.; Günter, S.; Aguirre, N.
Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation Payments Are Key Factors in Mitigating Tropical Forest Loss.
Ecological Studies 221
Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.; Scheu, S.; Wilcke, W.
Springer Verlag

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Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; López, M. F.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Hildebrandt, P.; Knoke, T.; Palomeque, X.; Calvas, B.; Günter, S.; Aguirre, N.; Kübler, D.
Conservation, Management of Natural Forests and Reforestation of Pastures to Retain and Restore Current Provisioning Services.
Ecological Studies 221
Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.; Scheu, S.; Wilcke, W.
Springer Verlag

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Aguirre, N.; Palomeque, X.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Günter, S.
Reforestation and Natural Succession as Tools for Restoration on Abandoned Pastures in the Andes of South Ecuador.
Series: Tropical Forestry. Vol.8. XVI

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Haug, I., Wubet, T., Weiß, M., Aguirre, N., Weber, M., Günter, S., Kottke,
Species-rich, but distinct arbuscular mycorrhizal potentials in rehabilitation plots on degraded pastures and in neighboring pristine tropical mountain rain forest.
Tropical Ecology

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Knoke T., Weber, M., Barkmann J., Pohle P., Calvas B., Medina C., Aguirre N., Günter S., Stimm B., Mosandl, R., Walter F., Maza B., Gerique A.
Effectiveness and distributional impacts of payments for reduced carbon emissions from deforestation.
63 (4)