Radial artery is used as a standard graft for myocardial revascularization in younger patients. Because of advanced atherosclerotic changes its use in older patients may be limited.
Graft function, histopathology and morphometry in older patients was analysed. The distal segmet was collected for histologix evaluation. Intraoperative angiography, measurement of flow, and resistance index were performed to document graft quality.
Excellent macrascopic and angiogrphic results were obtained. The majority of grafts showed ninor atherosclerotic changes without severely altered indices of intimal thickening or luminal narrowing. Age should not be an exclusion criterion per se.
Radial artery is used as a standard graft for myocardial revascularization in younger patients. Because of advanced atherosclerotic changes its use in older patients may be limited.
Graft function, histopathology and morphometry in older patients was analysed. The distal segmet was collected for histologix evaluation. Intraoperative angiography, measurement of flow, and resistance index were performed to document graft quality.
Excellent macrascopic and angiogrphic results were obtained. The...