This work deals with novel concepts for diamond-based biosensors. The interface of diamond and aqueous electrolytes is studied in detail by means of electrochemical methods. Electrolyte-gated field effect transistors based on surface-conductive diamond are realized and characterized. Using these devices, small changes in the pH-value and the ionic strength of the electrolyte can be detected. The experimental results are supplemented by specially adapted models and simulations. In addition, different techniques for the functionalization of diamond surfaces with biomolecules are studied. Finally, biomolecular events, instancing enzyme reactions, are sensed and quantified using functionalized diamond transistors.
This work deals with novel concepts for diamond-based biosensors. The interface of diamond and aqueous electrolytes is studied in detail by means of electrochemical methods. Electrolyte-gated field effect transistors based on surface-conductive diamond are realized and characterized. Using these devices, small changes in the pH-value and the ionic strength of the electrolyte can be detected. The experimental results are supplemented by specially adapted models and simulations. In addition, diffe...