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Original title:
Veränderungen in den Schlüsselaromastoffen von Apfelsaft aus Golden Delicious Äpfeln
Translated title:
Changes in the key aroma compounds of apple juice from Golden Delicious
Bogen, Johanna
Document type:
Fakultät für Chemie
Schieberle, Peter (Univ.-Prof. Dr.)
Subject group:
CHE Chemie; LEB Lebensmitteltechnologie; NAT Naturwissenschaften (allgemein)
TUM classification:
CHE 513d ; CHE 532d
Apfelsäfte des Handels sind im Wesentlichen sog. Säfte aus Konzentrat. Bei der Herstellung wird den frisch gepressten Säften, u.a. zur Reduktion von Transportkosten sowie zur Aufrechterhaltung einer ganzjährigen Verfügbarkeit, Wasser und Aroma entzogen, und aus diesen Fraktionen der Saft bei den Herstellern rekonstituiert. Insbesondere enzymatische Reaktionen sowie die thermische Behandlung führen allerdings zu Veränderungen in den Schlüsselaromastoffen der frisch gepressten Säfte. Durch Anwendu...     »
Translated abstract:
Commercially available apple juices are usually “juices from concentrate (JFC)”. To reduce the costs for transport, and also to maintain the availability of apple juice independently from the harvesting time, water and aroma is removed by steam distillation of the fresh juices. The concentrate and the aroma are then used to manufacture JFC juices by the juice producers. Enzymatic reactions as well as the thermal treatment may lead to changes in the key odorants of the fresh apple juice. By application of the “molecular sensory science” concept, changes induced by each single step of juice processing were clarified on a molecular basis and recommendations for aroma optimization could be proposed. The enzymatic generation of C-6 aldehydes before pasteurization as well as the thermal generation of
(E)-β-damascenone were the most important changes in the molecular aroma profile.
Controlled terms:
Apfelsaft ; Golden Delicious ; Aromastoff
Last change: