The thesis is mainly concerned with turbulence and its significance for thermonuclear burning processes in degenerate stars. Contrary to main sequence stars such as the Sun, in which a feed-back mechanism between reaction rates, expansion and cooling moderates thermonuclear burning, the physical conditions in a white dwarf of nearly critical mass entail a thermonuclear runaway, once density and temperature rise above a certain threshold. The critical mass of a white dwarf is known as Chandrasekhar mass. In the course of the run-away, carbon and oxygen is rapidly burned to heavier elements, in particular, nickel, and the star explodes due to the enormous energy release. According to our present understanding, burning in these thermonuclear supernovae progresses as deflagration, which means that ignition is caused by heat conduction rather than shock compression. Since the intrinsic propagation speed of a deflagration front is much less than the speed of sound, there must be something acting to accelerate the burning process. The agent is thought to be turbulence, which folds and wrinkles flames and thereby increases the rate of burning. A major difficulty of describing turbulent burning in numerical simulations stems from the fact that it is impossible to resolve the whole range of dynamical scales, even with the most powerful of currently available computers. This restriction leads to the concept of a large-eddy simulation, in which only the largest scales are numerically resolved. However, since the burning process is susceptible to turbulent velocity fluctuations on scales smaller than the numerical resolution, a model which accounts for effects on these scales is indispensable. The investigation of several options for such a subgrid scale model is the research subject of this Thesis. As testing and comparing different subgrid scale models systematically in full supernova simulations would be quite hard, a simplified scenario was chosen, where turbulence is artifically produced by a stochastic force field in a cubic domain. In the beginning, pure hydrodynamical turbulence was investigated, and then thermonuclear burning was added. The research goal has been to some extent a phenomenological understanding of turbulence and turbulent burning, but eventually it aims at a subgrid scale model, which makes physically sound predictions and is applicable to simulations of thermonuclear supernovae.
The thesis is mainly concerned with turbulence and its significance for thermonuclear burning processes in degenerate stars. Contrary to main sequence stars such as the Sun, in which a feed-back mechanism between reaction rates, expansion and cooling moderates thermonuclear burning, the physical conditions in a white dwarf of nearly critical mass entail a thermonuclear runaway, once density and temperature rise above a certain threshold. The critical mass of a white dwarf is known as Chandrasekh...