Electron tomography is the most widely applicable method for obtaining three-dimensional information by electron microscopy. It is, in fact, the only method for investigationg pleomorphic structures, ranging from supramolecular assemblies, organelles and cellular model systems to whole cells. With the recent developments of automated data-acquisition schemes, it is now possible to study biological systems embedded in vitreous ice under low-dose conditions with minimal perturbations of the physiologic state. The most promising development in electron tomography is its application to cellular organelles and whole cells: macromolecular complexes can now be visualized three-dimensionally in their native cellular environment with molecular resolution. However, the identification of these macromolecular complexes by virtue of their structural signature is not possible at the resolutions reached so far. Consequently, a major challenge was to improve the resolution of electron tomograms of cellular objects. The installation of a 300 kV microscope with a field-emission gun and an energy filter allows to visualize pleomorphic biological samples three-dimensionally with a resolution below 4 nm for the first time. The three-dimensional analysis of a model system for the injection of viral DANN into host cells did not only reveal that the resolution could be improved by a factor of two, but the advanced imaging capabilities also allow to draw important conclusions concerning the interactions of virus and host: upon binding to the bacterial receptor protein, the tail undergoes a major conformational change and protrudes 23 nm into the host. This observation led to a mechanistic model how the viral DNA is transferred across the cell envelope. Even though the quality of the tomographic reconstructions could be improved, one cannot expect to be able to interpret such tomograms by visual inspection. Hence, computational feasible algorithms to identify macromolecular complexes within the cellular environment were mapped out and applied to several model systems. The results show that the identification is possible even at lower resolutions, given that the macromolecular complexes are purified biochemically from the cellular context. For specimens thicker than 250 nm, a resolution better that 4 nm turns out to be necessay to distinguish complexes structurally as similar as the Thermosome, GroEL and the 20S Proteasome. The application of the identification algorithms to protein-filled vesicles - so called phantom cells - reveals that more than 90 % of the particles can be identified correctly within their quasi-cellular anvironment with the presently used setup.
Electron tomography is the most widely applicable method for obtaining three-dimensional information by electron microscopy. It is, in fact, the only method for investigationg pleomorphic structures, ranging from supramolecular assemblies, organelles and cellular model systems to whole cells. With the recent developments of automated data-acquisition schemes, it is now possible to study biological systems embedded in vitreous ice under low-dose conditions with minimal perturbations of the physio...