We examened the coincidence imaging of a dual head gammma camera with F18-FDG with respect to oncological topics. It was the aim of the study to assess the usefullness of the coincidence mode of a dual head gamma camera. Subject of examination were 57 patients with tumors of the lung, head and neck regionand mamma. The images were reconstructed using filtered back projection and an iterative reconstruction an then assessed each by 3 professionals trained in nuclear medicine independendly.The results were correlated to the histopathological findings. The assessment by the experts showed a sensitivity of 93% with respect to primary tumors and 59% with respect to metastatical lesions. Detectability and image quality of mamma lesions was significantly worse than detectability and image quality of lesions of the lung and head and neck (70% versus 100%). This finding can be explained by the fact that the latter tumors are located in the center of the range of vision. Looking at the thoracal lesions an influence of the more favourable signal-to-underground-relation can be noted. Comparing the reconstruction methods used, images reconstructed using iterative algorithms showed enhanced detectability of lesions by 6%. The study supports the finding that the coincidence imaging of a dual head gamma camera is usefull for detection of tumors of head and neck region and of the lung which are bigger than 1,5 cm in diameter and of tumors of the mamma which are bigger than 3 cm. The iterative reconstruction is preferable over the filtered back projection.
We examened the coincidence imaging of a dual head gammma camera with F18-FDG with respect to oncological topics. It was the aim of the study to assess the usefullness of the coincidence mode of a dual head gamma camera. Subject of examination were 57 patients with tumors of the lung, head and neck regionand mamma. The images were reconstructed using filtered back projection and an iterative reconstruction an then assessed each by 3 professionals trained in nuclear medicine independendly.The res...