The high-frequency 2D wave equation is solved by the exponential Gautschi method after projection onto a Finite Element space. Thereby, the discretization error is independent from the product of the time step size with the frequencies. In the course of the computation of the discrete solution, we have to evaluate matrix-vector products with transcendental matrix functions of matrices of very large dimension. Approximating these matrix function-vector products by Krylov subspace methods yields a restriction of the time step size by the wave speed and the spatial mesh size. Therefore, we deploy a method to approximate the matrix-vector products by spectral decomposition of the matrix functions using the hierarchical matrices constructed by Hackbusch. This leads to a method of almost linear complexity, i.e., linear up to logarithmic factors, for solving the high-frequency 2D wave equation under the assumption of smooth initial data.
The high-frequency 2D wave equation is solved by the exponential Gautschi method after projection onto a Finite Element space. Thereby, the discretization error is independent from the product of the time step size with the frequencies. In the course of the computation of the discrete solution, we have to evaluate matrix-vector products with transcendental matrix functions of matrices of very large dimension. Approximating these matrix function-vector products by Krylov subspace methods yields a...