In this study efficient analytical methods for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitrated derivatives (nitro-PAH) have been developed and applied to different aerosol and dust samples (extraction, liquid chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry): atmospheric aerosols (Munich, Hohenpeissenberg, Mt. Zugspitze), diesel soot, synthetic model soot, and road tunnel dust. The influence of reactive trace gases and filter reaction artifacts on the sampling of air particulate matter has been quantified by denuder experiments. The products of the reaction of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) with ozone and nitrogen dioxide have been investigated in laboratory experiments. Moreover, the reaction kinetics of the degradation of BaP by ozone, nitrogen dioxide and water vapor under simulated atmospheric conditions have been characterized by aerosol flow tube experiments with surface-coated spark discharge soot particles.
In this study efficient analytical methods for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitrated derivatives (nitro-PAH) have been developed and applied to different aerosol and dust samples (extraction, liquid chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry): atmospheric aerosols (Munich, Hohenpeissenberg, Mt. Zugspitze), diesel soot, synthetic model soot, and road tunnel dust. The influence of reactive trace gases and filter reaction artifacts on the samplin...