Delayed fluorescence of the radical pair P+HA- allowed to trace protein relaxation between 100ps-30ns as a response to charge separation. The energy of P+HA- shows a temporally unresolved fast relaxation phase, which is considerably enhanced at the freezing point of the aqueous solvent (270K). Subsequently stretched exponential relaxation occurs with a transition temperature between 160 K and 200 K. Increasing the redoxpotential of the primary bacteriochlorophyll acceptor yields activated charge separation above 220K and activationless behaviour below demonstrating the transition between two step and superexchange electron transfer. From the anisotropy of low temperature charge separation in an electric field primary formation of P+HA- could be corroborated. The field effect is negative at short times and changes sign at ~700ps allowing conclusions on the width of the energy distribution of P+HA-.
Delayed fluorescence of the radical pair P+HA- allowed to trace protein relaxation between 100ps-30ns as a response to charge separation. The energy of P+HA- shows a temporally unresolved fast relaxation phase, which is considerably enhanced at the freezing point of the aqueous solvent (270K). Subsequently stretched exponential relaxation occurs with a transition temperature between 160 K and 200 K. Increasing the redoxpotential of the primary bacteriochlorophyll acceptor yields activated charge...