The paper presents the results of research into the geological and hydro-geological structure and the groundwater situation in the quaternary deposits of the 'Fünfseenland' in Upper Bavaria between the Ammersee and Würmsee and the adjacing root of the western part of the 'Münchener Schotterebene' (Munich gravel plain), this area being a prototype for similar landscape parts shaped during the ice-age in the Alpine forelands. The research was based on extensive archive assessment as well as own expertise work, and concentrated on questions of water resource management in nine study areas (case studies) in the first place. The results were plotted down and explained in detailed surface maps for the Tertiary, in hydrogeological profiles, in groundwater table contour maps, and in diagrams. This, in combination with a water balanc evaluation, led to the development of a geological-hydrogeological sythesis for the whole study area, and to a prognosis of future water demands; the results and forecasts were finally presented in overview maps, profiles, and diagrams. Obviously, the present surface relief mirrows the major forms, as well as many of the smaller elements of the Tertiary surface in many parts. However, some smaller channels in the Tertiary, most of them filled with gravel and/ or groundwater, cannot be made out on the surface. Four channel systems with differing directions can be made out in the Tertiary relief. The tertiary 'Wieling-Maisinger' basin is an important groundwater reservoir. It is nourished especially from the western high-liying area with its far-reaching quartenary deposits including fine sediments with interlaying coarser sediments, and yields groundwater towards the north, i.e. to the 'Münchener Schotterebene' and the Würmsee basin. Generally speaking, the area between Ammer- und Würmsee is not scarce in groundwater, the groundwater yield becoming higher towards the 'Münchener Schotterebene'. About one third of the present ammount of groundwater used comes from layers near the surface and is thus in danger of pollution; about two thirds are taken from lawer layers, the quality of which, however, is also often impaired by contact with polluted groundwater and surface water. About 36 million cubik metres of groundwater are annualy recharged in the balance area, of which about 6 million cubic metres are for human use. The prognosis being that the demand in the future will be about 1.5 times as high, the necessity for better protection an more careful use of those groundwater reserves is underlined.
The paper presents the results of research into the geological and hydro-geological structure and the groundwater situation in the quaternary deposits of the 'Fünfseenland' in Upper Bavaria between the Ammersee and Würmsee and the adjacing root of the western part of the 'Münchener Schotterebene' (Munich gravel plain), this area being a prototype for similar landscape parts shaped during the ice-age in the Alpine forelands. The research was based on extensive archive assessment as well as own ex...