New developments in machine learning-based analysis of speech can be hypothesized to facilitate the long-term monitoring of major depressive disorder (MDD) during and after treatment. To test this hypothesis, we collected 550 speech samples from telephone-based clinical interviews with 267 individuals in routine care. With this data, we trained and evaluated a machine learning system to identify the absence/presence of a MDD diagnosis (as assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV) from paralinguistic speech characteristics. Our system classified diagnostic status of MDD with an accuracy of 66% (sensitivity: 70%, specificity: 62%). Permutation tests indicated that the machine learning system classified MDD significantly better than chance. However, deriving diagnoses from cut-off scores of common depression scales was superior to the machine learning system with an accuracy of 73% for the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), 74% for the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Clinician version (QIDS-C), and 73% for the depression module of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Moreover, training a machine learning system that incorporated both speech analysis and depression scales resulted in accuracies between 73 and 76%. Thus, while findings of the present study demonstrate that automated speech analysis shows the potential of identifying patterns of depressed speech, it does not substantially improve the validity of classifications from common depression scales. In conclusion, speech analysis may not yet be able to replace common depression scales in clinical practice, since it cannot yet provide the necessary accuracy in depression detection. This trial is registered with DRKS00023670.
New developments in machine learning-based analysis of speech can be hypothesized to facilitate the long-term monitoring of major depressive disorder (MDD) during and after treatment. To test this hypothesis, we collected 550 speech samples from telephone-based clinical interviews with 267 individuals in routine care. With this data, we trained and evaluated a machine learning system to identify the absence/presence of a MDD diagnosis (as assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-I...