In this thesis, PEDOT:PSS thin films are investigated in terms of their thermoelectric potential under the influence of different factors. A systematic study is performed which unravels the thermoelectric performance-enhancing effects of ionic liquid post-treatment on the morphology and oxidation level of PEDOT:PSS thin films. Furthermore, the impact of temperature and relative humidity on the thermoelectric parameters, electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, of these ionic liquid post-treated films are determined.
In this thesis, PEDOT:PSS thin films are investigated in terms of their thermoelectric potential under the influence of different factors. A systematic study is performed which unravels the thermoelectric performance-enhancing effects of ionic liquid post-treatment on the morphology and oxidation level of PEDOT:PSS thin films. Furthermore, the impact of temperature and relative humidity on the thermoelectric parameters, electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, of these ionic liquid post-...