Computational building modeling via BIM can digitally be modeled into a data structure using data models, which allows for simple data transfer. For an effective workflow making use of such data structures tests validating the authenticity of these data structures are necessary. The goal of this thesis is to explore the potential of graph-based representations of BIM data structures and to enable user-friendly alternatives to validate such data structures. Here, the state of the art is explained by presenting the existing alternatives for describing BIM models, but also several techniques for the validation of building data structures will be given. A comparison of validation tools in the next subsection considers the suitability of the BIMTester as a basis for the audit on graphs. Additionally, the tests of BIMTester will be translated into patters using the Cypher language, which will subsequently be applied to the graph data structures. The proposed will be explored in a case study where the validation tests of BIMTester and Solibri Model Checkers will be compared in their technical abilities, using various criteria. The results of the case study indicate that the implementation of the validation tests of BimTester is largely applicable to property graphs and complex higher-order validation procedures.
Computational building modeling via BIM can digitally be modeled into a data structure using data models, which allows for simple data transfer. For an effective workflow making use of such data structures tests validating the authenticity of these data structures are necessary. The goal of this thesis is to explore the potential of graph-based representations of BIM data structures and to enable user-friendly alternatives to validate such data structures. Here, the state of the art is explained...