The accuracy of a real time tracking system for industrial AR (IAR) applications often needs to comply with production toler- ances. Such a system typically incorporates different off-/online devices so that the overall precision and accuracy cannot be triv- ially stated. Additionally, tracking needs to be flexible to not inter- fere with existing working processes and it needs to be operated and maintained free of error by on-site personnel who typically have a quality management (QM) background. For the final validation of such a complex tracking setup, empiric testing alone is either too expensive or lacks generality. This paper demonstrates a new approach to define and verify, de- ploy and validate, as well as to operate and maintain an IAR track- ing infrastructure. We develop our concepts on the basis of an IAR application in the field of QM in the aircraft production process. It integrates a qualitative visual comparison with accurate quantitative measurements of 3D coordinates using a metrological probe. The focus is on the verification, validation, and error free operation. Monte Carlo simulation predicts the error for arbitrary system states. Using a limited set of empiric measurements in the target environment allows us to validate the simulation and thereby val- idate the application. This combination assures compliance of the IAR application with the required production tolerances. We show that our simulation model yields realistic results, using an in-depth analysis of an optical IR tracking system and a high- precision coordinate measurement machine capable of densely sampling the entire tracking volume. Additionally, it allows for a straightforward derivation of run-time consistency checks for the automatic identification of possible system failures. Also, estima- tion of the system performance during the planning and definition phases becomes possible, using the elementary accuracy specifica- tions of the involved sensor systems.
The accuracy of a real time tracking system for industrial AR (IAR) applications often needs to comply with production toler- ances. Such a system typically incorporates different off-/online devices so that the overall precision and accuracy cannot be triv- ially stated. Additionally, tracking needs to be flexible to not inter- fere with existing working processes and it needs to be operated and maintained free of error by on-site personnel who typically have a quality management (QM) bac...