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Sharp-Interface Simulations of Heat-Driven Flows with Marangoni Effect

Johannes L. Pieper; Felix S. Schranner; Gurvan Hermange; Nikolaus A. Adams
A method to account for the effect of interfacial surfactant con-centration on multi-phase flows has been proposed by Schranner &Adams (2016). The therein validated method builds up on the thesharp-interface method of Huet al.(2006). This work advances themethod to simulate and analyse configurations of industrial appli-cability. In the majority of these configurations temperature gradi-ents, commonly due to local heat sources or sinks, are the dominantcause of the Marangoni flow. In order to account for the Marangonieffect properly, the temperature distribution within the two-phaseflows under consideration has to be known. In this work, two nu-merical approaches for the calculation of the temperature are pre-sented and evaluated. In the first approach the temperature trans-port equation, realized as a scalar transport equation, is coupled tothe finite volume algorithm of Schranner & Adams (2016). The un-derlying method for the second approach is the weakly compress-ible high-resolution approach for incompressible flows (Schranneret al.(2013)), which is generalized to compressible and incompress-ible flows. The extension to multi-phase flows with discontinuousphases is formulated in this work. The approaches are evaluatedand compared on basis of the test flow proposed by Pendse & Es-maeeli (2010). It is sufficiently complex in its evolution, yet simplein its set-up and permits comparison to an analytical reference so-lution. The application of the methods to further thermocapillaryflows is pursued. Both methods are robust and correctly predict theevolution of the Marangoni flows and temperature fields. Numeri-cal experiments indicate that the passive scalar method is faster thanthe energy equation method. Yet, for two-phase flows with fluids ofvery diverse properties the energy equation method is more accu-rate.
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
10thInternational Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP10), Chicago, USA, July, 2017
TUM Einrichtung:
Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik und Fluidmechanik