Computational Model of Partially Irradiated Nanodots for Field-coupled Computing Devices
Art des Konferenzbeitrags:
Textbeitrag / Aufsatz
Ju, X.; Wartenburg, S.; Becherer, M.; Kiermaier, J.; Breitkreutz, B.; Lugli, P.; Csaba, G.
Co/Pt multilayers were proposed as a new promising media for Nanomagnet Logic computing. Modeling of irradiated Co/Pt films is challenging as Focused Ion Beam (FIB) irradiation locally changes the magnetic properties of the Co/Pt film. We implemented a computational model of partially irradiated nanodots and explained how to exploit asymmetric coupling for designing nanowires and logic gates.
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
Computational Electronics (IWCE), 14th International Workshop on