Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) enable secure key storage for integrated circuits and FPGAs. PUF responses
are noisy such that error correction is required to generate
stable cryptographic keys. One popular approach is to use errorcorrecting
We present an area-optimized VLSI implementation of a recent Generalized Concatenated (GC) code construction using
Reed–Muller codes. Reed–Muller codes have the advantage that
there exist very efficient decoders. Our new Reed decoding
implementation makes extensive use of a circular shift register.
The functionality is extended so that it can also handle erasure
symbols to improve the error correction capability.
The overall GC code decoder occupies less than 110 slices and
two block RAMs on an entry-level FPGA, and has a key error
probability of 1:5 10 9. The slice count is reduced by 50%
compared to the reference implementation.