- Title:
Effects of Shared Autonomous Vehicles on the Level of Service in the Greater Munich Metropolitan Area
- Document type:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Author(s):
- Llorca, Carlos; Moreno, Ana Tsui; Moeckel, Rolf
- Book / Congress title:
- International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems in Theory and Practice, mobil.TUM 2017-07
- Date of congress:
- 4-5 July 2017
- Year:
- 2017
- Quarter:
- 3. Quartal
- Year / month:
- 2017-07
- Month:
- Jul
- Bookseries title:
- Transportation Research Procedia
- Language:
- en
- WWW:
- www.msm.bgu.tum.de/fileadmin/w00bvh/www/publications/moeckel/2017_llorca_etal.pdf
- BibTeX