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Online Trajectory Generation Using Clothoid Segments

Schneider, Volker; Piprek, Patrick; Schatz, Simon P.; Baier, Thaddäus; Dörhöfer, Christoph; Hochstrasser, Markus; Gabrys, Agnes Christine; Karlsson, Erik; Krause, Christoph; Lauffs, Patrick J.; Mumm, Nils; Nürnberger, Katejan; Peter, Lars; Spiegel, Philip; Steinert, Lukas; Zollitsch, Alexander; Holzapfel, Florian
In this paper, a trajectory generation algorithm within an integrated flight guidance and control system is presented. The approach uses clothoids to deal with the problem of curvature steps during the transition phase between straight line and arc flight. The algorithm is designed in interaction with a trajectory controller for 2nd order error dynamics, which hence requires more trajectory information than a conventional approach. The presented test results were obtained via in-flight tests wit...     »
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics {&} Vision (ICARCV)
Nachgewiesen in:
Scopus; Web of Science